नये विचार thoughts -Thoughts meaning in Hindi

नये विचार thoughts -Thoughts meaning in Hindi

thoughts in hindi with meaning, thoughts meaning in Hindi, my thinking, thoughts about, सुन्दर तस्वीरें अंधेरे कमरे में काली नेगेटिव से तैयार होती हैं । इसलिए कभी आपने जीवन में अंधेरा देखें तो समझना चाहिए कि प्रभु हमारे जीवन के सुन्दर भविष्य को तैयार कर रहें हैं ।

The call of our conscience:- When we do not listen to the call of our conscience. So that voice starts to slow down. The call of the conscience is the voice of God Himself. Don’t ignore this because it can show the right path in life.

by hamarivirasat
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